Panamic green moray

Gymnothorax castaneus

Panamic green moray | Ankla Azul
πŸ“‡ Common Name
Panamic green moray
πŸ”¬ Scientific Name

Gymnothorax castaneus

🐟 Family


πŸ‹οΈβ€β™€οΈ Weight
Not known, let us know if you know



Panamic green moray | Ankla Azul
πŸ“ Length
Maximum length reported is 150 cm (almost 5 feet).
πŸ§œβ€β™‚οΈ Habitat

Lives in rocky areas. Lurks in holes and dark recesses during the day and forages in the open at night.

πŸ₯™ Diet

Β Feeds mainly on crustaceans and fishes

⛽️ Fact

Constantly opens and closes its mouth–an action required for respiration, not a threat

πŸ“In BahΓ­a Solano

Common all year long



Panamic green moray | Ankla Azul
Panamic green moray | Ankla Azul
Panamic green moray | Ankla Azul
Panamic green moray | Ankla Azul

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