Panamic Fanged Blenny

Ophioblennius steindachneri

Panamic Fanged Blenny _ Ankla Azul (2)
📇 Common Name

Panamic Fanged Blenny, Large-Banded Blenny

🔬 Scientific Name

Ophioblennius steindachneri

🐟 Family


🏋️‍♀️ Weight




Panamic Fanged Blenny | Ankla Azul
📏 Length

Up to 18 cm.

🧜‍♂️ Habitat

It lives between 1 to 20 m (3 to 66 ft) deep near rocks and in coral reefs in tropical waters of the Eastern Pacific Ocean. It is territorial and will come out of hiding to defend its territory. For reproduction, the females deposit the eggs in sticky protected areas that adhere to the substrate and walls. Males fertilize and guard these eggs until they hatch.

🥙 Diet

During the day it feeds on algae and sessile crustaceans.

⛽️ Fact

The color changes while growing up from a dark color as a juvenile to olive and brownish as an adult. At the front head has lighter markings with darker spots that are fading behind the pectoral fins. It has a similar-looking brother named “Notchfin Blenny”.

📍In Bahía Solano

expected to see most of the year



Panamic Fanged Blenny | Ankla Azul
Panamic Fanged Blenny Ankla Azul
Panamic Fanged Blenny | Ankla Azul
Panamic Fanged Blenny Ankla Azul

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