Cortez starfish

Pentaceraster cumingi

Cortez starfish Ankla Azul
📇 Common Name

Cortez starfish

🔬 Scientific Name

Pentaceraster cumingi

🐟 Family


🏋️‍♀️ Weight

Average weight is around 325 grams



Cortez starfish Ankla Azul
📏 Length

maximum size: 20 cm

🧜‍♂️ Habitat

Common in the Tropical Eastern Pacific. Inhabitants of coral and rocky reefs in depths ranging from 0-10 meters.

🥙 Diet

Primarily feeds by scavenging. The diet consists of seagrass, microscopic organisms, and ocean-floor algae. Occasionally pray on other sea stars as well.

⛽️ Fact

They can regenerate missing limbs, but it takes them up to one year for the limb to reach full body size

📍In Bahía Solano

expected to see most of the year



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