Harlequin shrimp

Hymenocera picta

Harlequin shrimp | Ankla Azul
📇 Common Name

Harlequin shrimp

🔬 Scientific Name

Hymenocera picta

🐟 Family


🏋️‍♀️ Weight

50 g



Panamic green moray | Ankla Azul
📏 Length

5 cm

🧜‍♂️ Habitat

Found throughout coral reefs in the tropical Indian and Pacific Oceans. Male and female are often seen together in the wild. They can live up to 7 years.

🥙 Diet

Feeds exclusively on starfish, including crown-of-thorns starfish. If there are no starfish around they will prey on sea urchins.

⛽️ Fact

Individuals mate for life and are very protective of their territory. Once they find a suitable home in the reef they can stay for months, even years.

Conservation status: According to many reports it is believed that the population is declining due to the degradation of coral reefs, in which they live exclusively.

📍In Bahía Solano

Not easy to spot! Live in cauliflower coral patches.



Panamic green moray | Ankla Azul
Harlequin shrimp | Ankla Azul
Harlequin shrimp | Ankla Azul
Harlequin shrimp | Ankla Azul


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