Whale Shark

Rhincodon Typus

Whale Shark _ Ankla Azul
📇 Common Name

Whale Shark

🔬 Scientific Name

Rhincodon Typus

🐟 Family




Whale Shark _ Ankla Azul
📏 Length

18.8 meters

🧜‍♂️ Habitat

Tropical Ocean

🥙 Diet

Filter feeder ( plankton, copepods, krill, fish eggs, red crab larvae, and small squid or fish)

Photo Location: Bahia Solano, Choco, Colombia

⛽️ Fact

The color changes while growing up from bright blue as a juvenile to brown with lighter on head and front of the body as an adult.

📍In Bahía Solano

expected to see most of the year



Acapulco damselfish
Whale Shark _ Ankla Azul
Whale Shark _ Ankla Azul

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