Acapulco damselfish

Stegastes acapulcoensis (adult)
Acapulco damselfish
📇 Common Name

Acapulco damselfish, Acapulco major, Acapulco gregory

🔬 Scientific Name

Stegastes acapulcoensis

🐟 Family


🏋️‍♀️ Weight

Not known



Acapulco damselfish
📏 Length

maximum size: 18 cm

🧜‍♂️ Habitat

It lives near reefs, corals, and rocks in tropical and subtropical waters of the eastern Pacific Ocean. It can live up to 32 years. For reproduction, the males guard and aerate the eggs which are demersal and added to the substrate.

🥙 Diet

Feeds on turf-algae within its territories

⛽️ Fact

The color changes while growing up from bright blue as a juvenile to brown with lighter on head and front of the body as an adult.

📍In Bahía Solano

expected to see most of the year



Acapulco damselfish
Acapulco damselfish
Acapulco damselfish
Acapulco damselfish

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