Frequently asked Questions

About Diving

Who is qualified for fun dive?

Certified Scuba diver (check our courses). 

What level of certification do I need for fun dive?

Any level of scuba diving certifications. 

Does Bahia Solano offer diving sites suitable for my certification level?

Bahía Solano offers several reef sites with several depth ranges, also two shipwrecks.

I am an open water diver how deep I can dive?

The maximum depth for a certified open water scuba diver is 18 meters 60 feet

I am an advanced open water diver, how deep I can dive?

The maximum depth for a certified advanced open water scuba diver is 30 meters 100 feet. unless you are certified deep diver specialty it will extend your depth to 40 meters 140 feet.

After a dive how long I need before my flight?

According to recreational dive planer, divers should not ascend to a high altitude within 12 hours of completing a single dive or 18 hours after doing multiple dives. (for more knowledge)

How long is my dive?

It depends on air consumptions, and NDL (no-decompression limit).

How long is my fun diving activity it will take?

Approximately 6 hours.

Do I need to show my certification Card before doing Fun Dive activity?

If available, the diver number and diving organization is necessary.

What time do we start our Morning Dive? and when do we return?

We meet at the Ankla Azul Diving center at 8 am, We leave Bahía Solano at 9 am, and we return approximately 3 pm.

What time do we start our Night Dive? and when do we return?

We meet at the Ankla Azul Diving center at 5 pm, We leave Bahía Solano at 6 pm, and we return approximately 9 pm.

I have a medical condition can I dive?

Yes, physician approval is required.

Do we dive with Humpback whales?

We don’t disturb the whales, we don’t pursue the whale, but Bahía Solano is one of the Humpback whales breeding spots, we have a chance to see them in a normal dive.

I am a certified diver but i haven't dive for more than one year?

We highly recommend doing a refresh course before going out into the pacific ocean.


Who is qualified for fun dive?

Certified Scuba diver, (check our courses

What level of certification do I need for fun dive?

any level of scuba diving certifications. 

Does Bahia Solano offer diving sites suitable for my certification level?

Bahía Solano offers several reef sites with several depth ranges, also two shipwrecks.

I am an open water diver how deep I can dive? 

The maximum depth for a certified open water scuba diver is 18 meters

After a dive how long I need before my flight?

according to recreational dive planer, divers should not ascend to a high altitude within 12 hours of completing a single dive or 18 hours after doing multiple dives. (for more knowledge)


Who is qualified for fun dive?

Certified Scuba diver, (check our courses

What level of certification do I need for fun dive?

any level of scuba diving certifications. 

Does Bahia Solano offer diving sites suitable for my certification level?

Bahía Solano offers several reef sites with several depth ranges, also two shipwrecks.

I am open water diver how deep I can dive? 

The maximum depth for a certified open water scuba diver is 18 meters

After a dive how long I need before my flight?

according to recreational dive planer, divers should not ascend to a high altitude within 12 hours of completing a single dive or 18 hours after doing multiple dives. (for more knowledge)

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